American Seating Company Catalog number thirty-six: Furniture and Interior Woodwork for Churches: Pews, Pulpits, Altars, Railings, and Ecclesiastical Cabinetwork. American Seating Company, 1925. Print.
- 1837-1929
From the Collection: 21 Linear Feet (36 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository
Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA
Collection organization
Cite Item
American Seating Company Catalog number thirty-six: Furniture and Interior Woodwork for Churches: Pews, Pulpits, Altars, Railings, and Ecclesiastical Cabinetwork. American Seating Company, 1925. Print., Box: 14. Phoenix Furniture Company folios, Collection 391. Grand Rapids History Center.
Cite Item Description
American Seating Company Catalog number thirty-six: Furniture and Interior Woodwork for Churches: Pews, Pulpits, Altars, Railings, and Ecclesiastical Cabinetwork. American Seating Company, 1925. Print., Box: 14. Phoenix Furniture Company folios, Collection 391. Grand Rapids History Center. Accessed March 19, 2025.