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Clark Retirement Community and Clark family collection

Identifier: Collection 360

Scope and Contents

The materials in this collection were gathered for the research and writing of Caring Community: The History of Clark Retirement Community by Jennifer Morrison and Gordon Olson, and consist almost entirely of photocopies. The images are either photocopies of photos or scanned copies. As the Clarks were a prominent family, some beautiful photos exist of them, including of their daughter, Marguerite's, wedding to Edmund Wurzburg. The photos of the Clark... Home institution are also quite good and cover a broad range of dates, including one very detailed photo of the Home when it was still the Clark residence. The minutes of the West Michigan Conference give a good description of how the organization originated. The newspaper articles are quite rich, and while those related to the Home do tend to focus on building activity, there are some early and recent ones that relate lifestyle issues. Copies were obtained from the archives of the Clark Retirement Community, the archives of the Starr Commonwealth, the Grand Rapids History and Special Collections Center of the Grand Rapids Public Library, descendants of the Clarks and the Albion College archives.

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  • 1850s-2000s

Biographical / Historical

Clark Retirement Community opened in 1906 in the former Sherman Street home of Melvin J. and Emily Clark and was originally called the M.J. Clark Memorial Home in the Clark's honor. There were ten residents by the end of the first year. Melvin was a farmer, retail grocer and lumberman who began his career in Solon Township, later moving to Cedar Springs and then Grand Rapids. He built at least one commercial building in downtown Grand Rapids. Emily... Jewell Clark played a major role in the founding or development of the D.A. Blodgett Home for Children, the Grand Rapids Art Museum, local suffrage activities and the Starr Commonwealth.

The Clark Home was originally administered by the West Michigan Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church in response to many years of concern for the care of elderly, or “super-annuated,” ministers. Among the first local facilities to provide a retirement experience, the home was open to Methodist ministers, their wives or widows and other area elderly. Since its opening the organization has grown and expanded, though the Clark Retirement Community of 2007 occupies the same twenty acres as the original Clark farm that surrounded the Clark residence. The organization celebrated its centennial in 2006 with a series of events and with the publication of Caring Community: The History of Clark Retirement Community by Jennifer Morrison and Gordon Olson.

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1.4 Linear Feet (Two boxes)

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Clark Retirement Community, originally the M.J. Clark Memorial Home, opened in 1906 in the former residence set on the twenty acre farm of M.J. and Emily Clark, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The home was operated by the West Michigan Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church and was developed primarily as a refuge for elderly Methodist ministers and their dependents. The material in this collection is almost entirely copies of relevant documents discovered during the research and writing of the centennial history of Clark Retirement Community in 2006 and includes information on the Clark family, their business and philanthropic activities, the Clark Home and the local Methodist community.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Jennifer Morrison

Related Materials

See references in the publication listed above for items from the GRPL Archival Collections and Local History Reference materials used in the book.

Finding aid for the Clark Retirement Community and Clark family collection
Jennifer Morrison
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Repository Details

Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository

Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA