Box 5
Contains 30 Results:
Certificate. Black, Noel D. Pantlind Hotel, 1938. P2012.005
Most of the business sources located in this collection are listed alphabetically by the name of the firm. If the firm name includes a personal name, it may be filed alphabetically for the first name or initial in the name, or by the last name of the person, if this is believed to be the more common usage. Some other types of business related items may be filed within other series. For example, a calendar from a business, may be in the Calendar series instead.
Wurzburg of Grand Rapids, Diamond Jubilee Year, 1872-1947. Illustrations by Miriam Suleeba. 00.[2119].1
The calendars most desired for addition to this collection are those which have unique images associated with the Greater Grand Rapids area, or some other type of unique information. Almanacs are more rare, and may be used for a firm as an advertising gift.
Timetables may be most associated with the railways or ferry lines, and may also be found in archival collections associated with those firms or with Michigan travel.
American Laundry. Otte Brothers’, 1906
The calendars most desired for addition to this collection are those which have unique images associated with the Greater Grand Rapids area, or some other type of unique information. Almanacs are more rare, and may be used for a firm as an advertising gift.
Timetables may be most associated with the railways or ferry lines, and may also be found in archival collections associated with those firms or with Michigan travel.