Campau Centennial Celebration
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of documents related to the Campau Centennial Celebration in the city of Grand Rapids. It includes documents related to the planning including committee and subcommittee rosters, meeting minutes, reports, and correspondence. Also included are newspaper articles and clippings related to the celebration, as well as miscellaneous ephemera.
- February 1926 - October 1926
- Majority of material found in 1926 - 1926
Biographical / Historical
The Grand Rapids Centennial Celebration took place in 1926 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first permanent settlement in Grand Rapids. A special committee was established and met every other week to plan and organize the celebration. Subcommittees were established to plan specific elements of the celebration and would report to the general committee regularly.To raise awareness for the celebration, the Centennial Committee commissioned... bronze coins featuring Louis and Sophie Campau as well as a book A Citizens History of Grand Rapids to be sold for $1 each. A special emphasis was placed on inviting former residents of Grand Rapids back for the celebration. Taking place during the weekend of September 23-26, the celebration honored Louis Campau and his wife Sophie de Marsac Campau, who became the first permanent white settlers in the area in 1826. The occasion was marked by pageants reenacting the arrival of Louis Campau, as well as the marriage of Harriet Burton, the first pioneer marriage in Grand Rapids, the Pageant of Progress, and a historical dress pageant. In addition to the pageants, various exhibits and events were placed around town. Local business, civic organizations and religious groups were encouraged to participate in the celebration.
See moreExtent
1 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
The Campau Centennial Celebration took place September 23-26, 1926 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the first permanent white settlement in Grand Rapids by Louis Campau. Festivities took place throughout the weekend and included pageants, exhibits and a parade. The celebration was meant to celebrate the history of the city of Grand Rapids, as well as high hopes for the city's future.
- Title
- Campau Centennial Celebration
- Author
- Julie Dolegowski
- Language of description
- Undetermined
- Script of description
- Code for undetermined script
Repository Details
Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository
Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA