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James C. Craig collection

Identifier: Collection 183

Scope and Contents

Contains a letter written by Craig to the Detroit Times, in response to a request for brief biographical information. The collection contains newspaper articles glued into a day book. These clipping describe conventions, meetings, and events of the following African-American men's organizations: Colored Mason of the State of Michigan; Colored Knights; Guard Lodge of Colored Masons Templar; Davis Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons; and the Colored Republican... Club. There are also articles about state and local politics, community social events and announcements, racial issues and celebrations, and the weather. There are also wedding and obituary notices.

The collection contains a few articles about Craig's barber shop and the Buckner family. The back pages of the book contain addresses and some financial data by Craig.

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  • 1880-1892, n.d.


Biographical / Historical

James C. Craig was born April 2, 1849 in Louisville, Kentucky. He was a slave until 1862, at which time he followed the 23rd Michigan Regiment through the southern states, coming to Flint, Michigan in 1864. He went to Battle Creek, Michigan in 1868; Quincy, Michigan in 1870 and Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1871, where he went into the barbering business with Daniel Scott. Later he opened a successful shop of his own at the southwest corner of Canal (now... Monroe) and Crescent.

Craig was well known in Colored Masonry. He was one of the founders of North Star Lodge, De Mar chapter and Golden Rule commandry; and he held many offices in these organizations, serving as the first eminent commander of Golden Rule. He was also Vice-President at the Colored Citizens State Convention.

In 1874 Craig married Mary E. Buckner (the daughter of Eliza and John Buckner) of Battle Creek, They had three daughters, Lena Crispus, Grace Craig Sims, and Myrtle Craig. Mary Craig died in 1897. Craig died in Flint on December 3, 1902.

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0.21 Linear Feet (One box)

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James C. Craig (1849-1902) was an African American barber and mason. The collection contains newspaper clippings from Grand Rapids and other newspapers apparently collected by Craig during the time he lived in Grand Rapids, 1871-1902. The clippings detail his active involvement and interest in African-American men's organizations, with most of the stories pertaining to conventions, meetings and events of those organizations. There are also articles about community events and politics, plus feature artices, mostly on racial topics.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Cornelia Phillips, accession number 00.000

Related Materials

See also the Bajema African American Clipping Files.

Collection 249 contains a photograph of Craig.

Finding aid for the James C. Craig collection
Lynn Eleveld
January 1996
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Repository Details

Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository

Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA