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Camp Lee guard reports

Identifier: Collection 106

Scope and Contents

The collection contains one volume, Post Guard Reports, for Camp Lee, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The volume contains records of guards and prisoners, 1863-64. Because of the time period most of the recruits were draftees and not volunteers. It is unknown if additional such volumes were kept for other time periods or the possible location of these.

A letter from Colonel N.J. Hall, previously attached to the inside back cover of the volume with twine (?),...
has become detached, and has been placed in an acid free folder. (Dec. 2004)

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  • 1863-1864

Biographical / Historical

Camp Lee was a Grand Rapids, Michigan marshalling place during the Civil War, located in what is now the Central High School area, corner of Fountain and College NE. Men from Grand Rapids and the surrounding Western Michigan area gathered there for a short time before being sent to other camps to be mustered into service. This camp also served as a temporary holding place for recruits under arrest for a variety of crimes, such as absent without leave,... drunkenness, theft, etc.

S.A. Sheldon is one of the signatories at the bottom of some pages, as First Lieutenant. No research has yet been done to determine if he is the Captain Sheldon who later is said to have kept these documents and passed them on to Dr. A.C. Sheldon.

A document authored by Colonel N.J. Hall was previously attached to the inside back cover of this Guard Report. Colonel Norman Jonathon Hall was born in New York in 1837, but moved with his family to East Raisinville, Monroe Co., Michigan. He was an 1859 graduate of West Point Military Academy. He served with distinction during the Civil War, in spite of chronic health problems. He died in 1867. See the fuller biography by David Dorsey Finney, Jr., included in this collection. Hall’s brief time in Grand Rapids is mentioned in this biography.

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1.21 Linear Feet (Two boxes)

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Camp Lee was a Civil War era encampment in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This collection contains one volume of original guard reports from 1863-1864. The records were kept by Captain Sheldon, who was stationed at the camp at that time. The reports show a day-to-day record of guards on duty and recruits under arrest and the reason(s) for their arrests.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Sue Silliman, 1920 (no accession number). In addition, accession number 2005.001.

Related Materials

Coll. 242, the Grand Rapids Public Library Civil War Documents Collection: see Coll. 242, for fuller documentation of other Civil War related materials

Finding Aid for the Camp Lee guard reports
Martha J. Bloem
October 1989
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
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Repository Details

Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository

Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA