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New Series VI. Photographs


Scope and Contents

A separate photography file was created in July 2000 and completed in March of 2006 in which all of the photographs from the WAC collection have been placed. This file provides a duel purpose: (1) to preserve the delicate photographs and (2) to allow for easier access to the photographs themselves. All of the photographs can be found in Box 13 by referring to the alphabetically arranged contents list below or the index located in Box 13 Folder 1.... All of the photographs which were taken by Robinson Studio are marked with an asterisk (*).

There are many different types of photographic documentation housed in this collection. The size and generic label of the photograph is noted in the content list and in the index. In general there are many different types of photos included. The most prevalent is the formal still photos, also known as head shots. When each speaker came to speak before the WAC, they were asked to submit a photograph to be used in the advertisement for his/her lecture. In some, but not all, situations the WAC retained the photograph and it has become a part of this collection. In addition there are photographs taken at the event itself. When able, each person in the photograph has been identified and noted; however, this was not possible in the entire collection. Besides these two types, there are also publicity shots, exhibit documentation, and miscellaneous other subjects included in this series.

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  • 1949-1986



From the Collection: 6 Linear Feet (20 boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository

Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA