#3461 Interurban Bridge, bird’s eye view
Scope and Contents
Winslow’s collection represents broad collecting in many aspects of Grand Rapids history. The railroading documents included here represent only a small portion of the large materials now collected by Mr. Winslow. Most items he acquired individually or as small sets, such as the glass lantern slides, which are primarily advertising, or the set of images on the block fire.
Fuller description has been given to individual items than in most GRPL collections,... to reflect the collecting strategy of the donor and to provide better access to the materials.
- 1896-2000
- From the Collection: Winslow, James B (Collector, Person)
From the Collection: 4.8 Linear Feet (15 boxes plus flat file)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository
Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA