Venue Map
Scope and Contents
The main series for the ArtPrize collection are broken down by year. Each sub-series for this collection is then broken down by type of material. Artists materials consist mainly of promotional material that was handed out by each artist that participated in ArtPrize. These range from 8 x 4 cards to individual business cards. These items are all arranged alphabetically by the last name of the artist.
Each year also has a sub-series for venues. Each... venue had promotional materials for the artists they hosted. Again, these materials are arranged alphabetically by the name of the participating venue.
In some of the series there are sub-series for official publications of the ArtPrize event. These materials were gathered by Grand Rapids Public Library staff. These materials range from volunteer guides to ArtPrize promotional materials, such as the official posters for ArtPrize.
It is expected that this collection will grow in the future. Each new ArtPrize year will have materials that are collected and arranged by year, then artists, venues, official ArtPrize publications. New sub-series will be added if needed in the future.
- 2009 - 2012
From the Collection: 6.5 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository
Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA