Letters of Cemper Idema, 1862 – transcribed, photocopied and original
Scope and Contents
Accession #: 1995.001.
Donor: Hank Idema
The names & dates on the records of the Idema’s in the Civil War are a bit confused. Pieced together, from war records, reference sources, and the Census, the following appears to be true. Henry Sr., his wife Veronika, and child Cemper were born in the Netherlands. Per his obituary, Camper F. Idema, was born in 1845 and moved with his parents to the US when he was 2. Camper lived in Grand Rapids from 1854... until his death in Sept. 1901. Records use the alternative Cemper or Camper. The 1860 census lists Henry(44), Veronika(41), Cemper(14), Herman(10) and Henry, Jr.(4).
In the 1870 Census, Henry, Sr. & Veronika are missing. C. Fred, age 24 is listed as a pawn broker, living with Nancy, age 21 and Francis, his 1 yr. Old son. Herman & Henry are living together, but not with Cemper Frederick.
In June 1862 Kemper would have been about 16, if he was 14 in 1860. Copies of documents in this collection show Cemper Idema enlisted in Co. H, of the 8th Michigan, as early as of Jan. 9, 1862. Michigan Volunteers, 1861-1865 list “Cemper Idema” as enlisting in this company, at age 18?, discharged Oct. 24, 1862, died Sept. 21, 1901, Grand Rapids, Mich. His obituary for that date gives his brothers Herman & Henry surviving. According to the Evening Press obituary Idema re-enlisted in Hancock’s Veteran Reserve Corps, and was a member of the detachment to guard the conspirators, at the time of Lincoln’s death. Michigan Volunteers, 1861-1865, give his enlistment as Mar. 13, 1865, no discharge given.
Also given in Michigan Volunteers, 1861-1865, is a listing for Henry Idema. Henry, age listed as 41, enlisted in Co. H, 8th Infantry, Sept. 16, 1861, discharged Sept. 22, 1864. Another source reports his death in 1868. According to the 1869 census, Henry, Sr. was a tailor. Cemper’s letter of Jan. 30, 1862, talks about his visit with his father at camp. “…he makes flags sometime, sows for the Cornel and when he don’t feel like working he neeadant …”
Cemper’s July 20, letter is clearly signed “Cemper Idema”, however, his other letters are variously signed, with his Apr. letter apparently signed “C. H. Idema”. This H, interpreted as “Henry” has led to some confusion of his record with his father or brother.
Camper F. Idema’s residence in Grand Rapids for the 25 years before his death was at 288? Lyon, corner of Prospect Streets. His brother Henry (b. 2/29/1856-d.1-8-1951) was living next door at the time of his death.
Included here are four 1862 Civil War letters written by Idema to his mother and brothers while stationed along the Eastern Sea Board, dated Jan. 30, Apr. 18th, June 6th & July 20th. These exist in 3 states: 1) Typed transcripions, 2) Photocopies of the originals 3) Original letters. Idema mostly reports of battle scenes and financial matters. Idema writes from Newport VA, Beaufort SC, James Island and Goats Point GA. Also included in this collection are photocopied war documents, newspaper clippings and research on the 8th Michigan Infantry.
- January 1862-September 23, 1901
From the Collection: 4.5 Linear Feet (12 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository
Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA