Pearl Street Bridge; 1888, 1988.
Scope and Contents
Contains three publications, primarily illustrations depicting Grand Rapids, Michigan views. The views included buildings, streets, schools, parks, houses and hospitals. The three publications are:
Grand Rapids Illustrated, by Ernest B. Fisher. International Publishing Company, 1888
Art Work of Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1896 by Lewis G. Stuart
Grand Rapids Then and Now, 1988 text by James VanVulpen and contemporary photographs by Rex D. Larson.
Fisher's set is notable for its views of the Grand River and riverbanks. Stuart generally used different views, though in several cases he merely published different angles of the same buildings contained in the Fisher work. Stuart, unlike Fisher, presents a wide sampling of house views and streetscapes. “Then and Now” presents views from the 1888 work and the same views in 1988.
The publications in their original format are included as available. But, the working copies of the images from the two earlier publications (those that may be photocopied), are loose plates from worn copies that have been housed in individual folders. Extra copies of the plates have also be interfiled by general subject matter in Boxes 4-5.
- 1888-1988
From the Collection: 3.2 Linear Feet (Six boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Grand Rapids History Center Repository
Grand Rapids Public Library
111 Library Street NE
Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 USA